Croatia: Marina Horvat

This project is highly praiseworthy for its efforts to promote sustainable lifestyles and green thinking, particularly among youth and marginalized groups. By empowering youth workers, parents, and other community members to act as green role models, it provides practical and inspirational support at the local level. The use of creative, visually appealing micro-intervention materials, such as sustainability-themed memes, is a standout feature. Memes are a fantastic tool for connecting with young people—they’re funny, relatable, and effective at sparking interest in eco-friendly behaviors.

Additionally, the game developed as part of the project is truly innovative, serving as a fun and engaging way to socialize while also encouraging reflection on sustainability. This interactive approach adds another dynamic element that resonates well with the target audience.

The focus on community involvement and social responsibility is particularly impactful, and the inclusion of a transnational conference is an excellent way to share lessons learned and best practices across countries. The tools and methods developed through this initiative have significant potential to support educators, youth workers, and local organizations well beyond the project’s duration. Overall, it’s a brilliant step toward engaging younger generations in sustainability through innovative and interactive approaches.

Marina Horvat, Expert Associate for Projects and Programs
