The Green Meme Effect Game can be played online and offline. For offline game play, we provide the PDFs on this page for free download and printing. You will need the text cards and the image cards to play. There is also an additional special edition of image cards - read all details further below.
Please check the instruction page for details on how to play or download the instruction PDF here.
Printing instructions:
- Download the PDFs and open them in your preferred PDF viewer.
- Go to printing and make sure you select double-paged printing (mirrored on the long side of the page - this should be the default setting).
- Ideally, print the PDFs in colour.
- Do a test print of only the first two pages to make sure that the front and back are properly aligned in your printer. All printers are different and there may be a slight misalignment when you print the PDFs
- Print the remaining pages once you are satisfied with the alignment.
- Cut the cards along the white lines in the middle and remove the access white paper around the edges.
We recommend using stronger paper than ordinary printing paper. Alternatively, in the spirit of sustainable upcycling, the size of the cards is inspired by standard playing cards, so you can only print the text pages and the image pages (and not the back pages with our logo) and glue them to an old playing card set to give it a new purpose.
The resolution of the PDFs is also high, so if you like, you can increase the zoom in your printing settings or even print them on bigger paper formats (for example DIN A3).
As per request from our test players during focus group tests in all partner countries, we also provide you with some additional information about the image cards PDF:
- Pages 1-6 include the GME mascot meme cards, which are cute and child-friendly.
- Pages 7-12 include classic memes that use less colour and are great for saving printing ink.
- Pages 13-28 include classic memes in full colour that are suitable for players of all ages.
- If you like, download this adaptable PPTX template and add your own memes and captions to the game!
Winners of the Call for Artists
These special edition meme cards for the Green Meme Effect Game have been created by young artists and submitted during a broad Call for Artists in all partner countries in 2024.
There were 2 winners from Austria and 5 winners from Portugal and their submitted memes are now featured in this special edition. You can recognise the special edition memes by the icon in the top right corner.
Please note that some of the images – in particular the ones on the last page – have been created using an AI software.