Welcome to the GREEN INFO BLOG!

We have collected 12 interesting topics about sustainability and eco-conscious lifestyle!
Click on one of the memes to open the blog post and check what you have learned in the engaging quizzes at the end of each one.


Have fun learning! 🤩


SUSTAINABLE FOOD CULTURE Let's Feed a New Future! In recent years the concept of sustainability is a topic that has
ART IN THE NAME OF NATURE A NEW WAVE OF "ARTIVISTS"! The arts are being increasingly recognised as a resource
BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION Defending the Shape of Life! At the beginning, life started as a single cell organism in the ocean.
NATURE CONSERVATION Closer to Nature: Our Role in Protecting the Environment! As biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are happening at
WASTE MANAGEMENT Navigating the Road to a Sustainable Mobility Get moving for our future! Waste management is the efficient use
GREEN CITIZENSHIP Actions for the Environment! Green Citizenship is the space where two communities meet. It is the unique space
ENERGY MANAGEMENT Green light for our planet! Use your energy to protect the environment Electricity accompanies us everywhere. It helps
GREEN MOBILITY Navigating the Road to a Sustainable Mobility Get moving for our future! Since the beginning of time, humans
WATER MANAGEMENT THE FUTURE OF WATER MANAGEMENT! Driving Change in the Water Management System "Waste management is not just about
FAST FASHION VS. SLOW FASHION Finding the Balance Between Trend and Sustainability! The fashion industry has undergone a significant transformation
INCLUSION THROUGH NATURE Opportunity to Bridge Gaps between different communities! Having access to nature inspires people to engage with their
GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Rooting for our planet! How green entrepreneurship is planting the seeds of sustainability Protecting our environment and stopping