Despoina Dora Greece

We first noticed the GREEN MEME materials on our social media feed. I became intrigued by the memes presented and explored the other resources as well. As an informal group, we sometimes struggle with the content and structure of our community events, and the ideas presented in the GREEN MEME, complete with all the resources … Read more

Sofia Moda, Greece

We had the opportunity to explore the GREEN MEME resources and we have used the GREEN MEME game as an ice-breaking activity in environmentally focused events; it provided our participants a chance to connect in a humorous and engaging manner while also highlighting important issues, omissions, habits, and misconceptions about sustainability and the impact of … Read more

Tatiana Sasa France

The green meme project is an amazing experience. It’s rare to see a project that seamlessly blends creativity, humour, and environmental advocacy. It’s a perfect example of how technology and art can come together to make a lasting impact on our planet and future. The game is engaging, and creative, and make you think about … Read more

Austria: Erich Leitenbauer, HAK Mürzzuschlag

Our students were very engaged in the project. They especially enjoyed the Green Info Cards and the meme stickers. They also had a lot of fun playing the online game during the events held at the Erasmus Days 2024 together with Auxilium. One of our students also won the call for artists and has two … Read more

Greece: Hopeland

Overall, the project results seem extremely well designed, in a format that directly captivates young people, maintains their engagement, and supports learning. It is a fresh and innovative support we do not often see in eco-related projects. Likewise, the specific methodology of the project, leverages to the full everyday habits and interest of the target … Read more

Croatia: Marina Horvat

This project is highly praiseworthy for its efforts to promote sustainable lifestyles and green thinking, particularly among youth and marginalized groups. By empowering youth workers, parents, and other community members to act as green role models, it provides practical and inspirational support at the local level. The use of creative, visually appealing micro-intervention materials, such … Read more

Turkiye: Leyla Meletli

The Green Meme Effect project offered a highly effective approach to raising environmental awareness. The project manages to raise environmental awareness by providing an educational and entertaining platform for young people. The website attracts the attention of young people with its user-friendly design and interactive content and provides them with information about environmental issues. Moreover, … Read more

Spain: Roxy Ortiz Bandes, European Learning Centre

The Green Meme Effect project proves to be a great initiative due to its ability to seamlessly integrate fun, interactive sustainability education into our already existing curriculum. Being a rural training centre, this project allows us to support professional development for teachers by ups killing them with digital tools to practically implement in their classrooms. … Read more

Romania: Csilla Lazar, Spectrum Educational Centre

The truly “life-or-death” environmental and social sustainability issues must undoubtedly be introduced to young people. However, if we only provide information or address them using our “Boomer/ Gen-X” tools, we will never achieve a change in their attitudes. This can only be accomplished by encouraging them to take responsible action. Whether they create a meme, … Read more

EU: Giulia Basso – Tandem Plus European Network

We believe the GREEN MEME project to be very innovative for its methodology that combines practical interventions with low-impact tools, engaging people to promote ecological thinking and behaviours in both physical and digital spaces. It is important because it empowers communities to adopt sustainable practices, fosters social responsibility, and inspires lasting change towards a more … Read more