The Green Meme Effect Idea Set and its pedagogical concept are directed at actors in the social space of young people and aims to equip them with ideas and materials to plan and implement Green Theme Days.

This concept is designed for you if wish to plan an event focused on green, sustainable behaviours in one of the following settings:

  • Youth centre or other non-formal youth setting
  • School or after-school activity
  • Any volunteering setting with either youth, adults or (depending on the topic) children.


On this page, you can view and download the whole Idea Set PDF (90 pages) or choose one of the 16 Green Theme Days in the individual display below and let yourself be inspired! You can also download the pedagogical concept that builds the foundation and provides you with the purpose, methodology as well as the learning outcomes for each of the Green Theme Days. In the concept and at the bottom of this page, we also provide you with 10 recommendations for successful implementation.

Be sure to also check our other project results for even more free resources to use in your Green Theme Days!

Green Theme Day Idea Set



Green Theme Day Resource Kits



Tipps for Successful Implementation

🎯 Know your target group. Every group of young people is different and their life realities are extremely heterogenic. You as their contact person or key worker know best, what you can expect from them without under- or overwhelming them.
🤝 Promote a participative approach. Ask the young people in your care what green day idea is most interesting to them and include them in the preparations as much as possible.
🧵 Be resourceful. This applies not only to physical resources, but also to personnel resources. Identify suitable role models in the community that can support your cause, maybe they are parents of the young people or other actors in their social space. Ask them to support the events and invite them as role models.
👍 Set realistic expectations. This is for you and for the young people. Especially if you are inviting external people to an event, maybe even for the first time, be prepared that there might be just a few that participate. That’s okay, every movement that starts small has the potential to grow!
🔨 Adapt the suggested topic and timing to your needs. The topics and timings we suggest are exactly that: suggestions. Feel free to estimate more or less time or to shift the focus of one of the topics to fit your purpose.
🧩 Split or combine events. Do not be afraid to start small and maybe just try one of the idea sets in a smaller scale. If it is successful, plan another iteration of the event or split it in two from the start. If it is already going well or if you are really motivated, plan a series of events that fit together.
🌍 Consider local contexts and regulations. The idea set has been developed by a transnational partnership from various EU-countries, so there might be some elements that are not 100% relatable in your country. It is probably best to double-check what is available and allowed in your region.
💚 Make use of our provided resources. We offer you to-do lists and ready-made invitations and poster templates. You can download and modify them to your liking! But you are not obliged to use the resources – maybe you and the young people in your care have ideas to create them on your own! Feel free to do so and use ours only as inspiration.
🍀 Use our GREEN INFO CARDS as supportive materials. We have developed info cards, complementary blog posts with quizzes and videos in all our partner languages about the topics behind the green theme days. You can use them to provide a knowledge basis for the events (and even as fun promotion material!).
😀 Have fun! If you have fun planning and implementing these events, there is a higher chance that your target group will too. Our approach is to empower and enable change through enjoyable experiences and humour (where appropriate).